Frequently Asked Questions

When do we need to submit the IRS W8 Form?

Anytime a new international vendor is set up in the purchasing system a W8 form is required.

Who is authorized to make commitments for the Sonoma County Jr. College District?

Only the Board of Trustees, and those designated by the Board. All acquisitions of goods and services require either purchase order or a contract issued by the Purchasing Department. Suppliers, who deliver goods or services without a purchase order or a contract, do so at their own risk. Please contact the Purchasing Department at (707) 527-4422 if in doubt about proper authorization.

How does my firm get on a bidder's list?

Sonoma County Junior College District, DBA Santa Rosa Junior College District has implemented an electronic bidding software system.
All future solicitations (formal and informal) will be processed using this system.
Vendors interested in participating in future solicitations will need to:


  1. Go to the District’s electronic bidding website at:

  2. Register as a supplier 

  3. Select commodities that vendor is qualified to sell in order to receive electronic notices of competitive opportunities

  4. It is highly encouraged that interested vendors review all applicable documentation contained in the solicitation, including information on deadlines, pre-proposal conferences, vendor requirements, etc.

  5. Submit your response to the selected solicitation

  6. For additional information, at any time vendors may visit the web site and obtain information on open, closed or awarded solicitations.

  7. For Instructions on how to submit bids, manage address book, manage users, select commodities and other tools   proceed with the following navigation:  once the vendor is logged in to the system  > click on “Help” (top right corner)  > click on “Sourcing Supplier Quick Tutorial”  or other topics listed.

What is the qualification process to become a vendor for the District?

The District has no formal qualification process for general suppliers of goods and some types of services. However, there are stringent insurance (and licensing) requirements for building trade’s contractors and suppliers of professional services such as engineering and consulting.

I'm a small business owner and new to public agency purchasing. Where can I get help?

The Purchasing Department is always available to assist businesses in learning more about the public purchasing process. We recognize that at times the process can be overwhelming - particularly for a small business. If we are unable to assist you ourselves, we can refer you to some excellent local resources.

Do I need to make an appointment in order to make a sales call?

Yes, we encourage you to call in advance for an appointment. That way you can make the best use of your time and be certain that you are speaking with the buyer who specializes in the goods or services you wish to provide to the District.